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Everything posted by MrJeLeu

  1. MrJeLeu

    [Cadou] Eroii.Ro

    Genial. Multumim ! ?
  2. Buna, Ar trebui sa postezi 4 poze, din care una sa fie alba ?
  3. hahahahah. Corect Tot mls (fara tag) =))
  4. MrJeLeu


    Hello, Today we will unban you; I'm gonna talk with an administrator and you are free to play. Good luck !
  5. Salut, Ultima poza pare a fi dublata; iti lipseste poza alba. Pana cand nu postezi si ultima poza, nu iti putem accepta cererea pentru unban. Mersi
  6. Salut, Pentru unban am nevoie de steamID
  7. It looks like you are not a cheater ? . I will talk with @mLs. or another colleague and you will be unbanned; Also, I will come back with an answer when you can enter on the server. Have a nice day !
  8. You can connect on any server and take your steamID from console using "status" on that.
  9. Salut, Din pacate ai creat un topic nou intr-o sectiune gresita. Pentru a crea o cerere pentru admin, te rog sa accesezi link-ul urmator : AICI O zi buna ! Topic Closed
  10. Good job. You are free to play right now. @mLs., help him with unban bro. @pihtis give us an answer with your steamID and IP. Have a nice day !
  11. Ultima poza ar cam fi trebuit sa fie alba in totalitate... Asteapta si parerea altor colegi din staff ?
  12. Hey pollos, You are right. He got wallhack but I'm not sure if he is admin. Maybe an administrator will check his IP / SteamID in logo and he will receive permanent ban for sure. Thank you for your help! PS: At least, if you wanna become a member of our staff, check this link https://eroii.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/6-cs-model-cerere-admin/
  13. Nici nu trebuie sa te vad pe ts3, ca deja comportamentul tau lasa de dorit. Orb, neorb, nu acela era raspunsul pe care ar fi trebuit sa-l dai. Contra ?
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