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Everything posted by Cornelush

  1. Contra . Revino cu o cerere după ce îndeplinești toate condițiile impuse .
  2. Poate trebuie sa ma ai la prieteni . Alta explicatie nu e
  3. salut contul pe panel e creeat de cand am vip-ul fb: Cornel Tataranga | Facebook
  4. Da Normal Cornel Tataringa pe Fb Pe ts is on mereu cand joc
  5. Nick :Cornelush Vărstă/Age :21 SteamID : STEAM_0:1:2899661 TeamSpeak3 On/off: On Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru /Link gametracker with your nickname :GameTracker.com : Player Page for Cornelush Dovada WarGods test /Proof of WarGods test:https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2475578
  6. Nick : Cornelush Vărstă/Age : 20 SteamID : STEAM_0:1:2899661 TeamSpeak3 On/off: on
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